Saturday, July 2, 2011

Off to a "Rock'n" Start!

Alright, so I haven exactly managed to take and post a picture each day . . . I maybe should have set the bar a little lower. Or in incremental steps! Like a photo every "couple of days" to be determined by the photographer :) I dashed outdoors one morning (not telling when exactly these delinquent pics were taken!) before getting showered for work and snapped these pics. I'm sure the neighbors enjoy the spectacle -- pj's, flip flops, and camera in hand.
I may be cheating a bit. I fixed all manner of errors in PS proving how badly I need to practice, practice, practice. I say that not in the frustrated manner of a young child told to sit at the piano for 30 min every day whether they like it or not. Truly. I love the process and tinkering and, more than anything, the beauty of seeing and creating.
 Don't you love the way this bird seems surprised mid-bite? It might be that he is startled to find a humanoid out and about at the ungodly hour of 6:30am . . .
These last two are in their unprocessed glory. My sweet muffin and her daddy playing before he leaves for work. Of course they were coached to repeat this playful act a couple of times while mama remembered to change her menu settings for florescent lighting!

So looking forward to the long weekend! Time with family, watching a parade, a few fireworks. And getting ready for the "big trip."

How will you be celebrating?

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