Thursday, January 6, 2011


Oh, I'm not sure I have many words to share. Just pictures snapped after school one day this week. I love that I got to pick up both of my children because I'm my own boss and take them to the park to play -- and then home for homework and dinner and night time routines. I love that we've eaten together as a family every day this week. My perspective has shifted . . .

A part of me worries that without the structure of a job, I won't be as driven. Maybe I need the pressure and demands in order to be effective in my role. Then I realize that is the voice of fear speaking. Of course I'm motivated and though this building up time is slow, the pace will accelerate. Now is the time to establish the balance I and my family need so that I can hold that line as the business grows.

There has been a tension between what I believe families need and how I help families in my work and how I've managed my own family . . . now I get to bring these two things more in line. Attend to my own children's needs before I turn to those of other families. Ah. This is good. This is right!

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