Thursday, April 22, 2010

The end of a journey

This humble Thursday marks the end of a long journey . . . if all goes well, I will have finally accrued the massive number of hours needed to be licensed as a professional counselor. I don't quite believe its possible! It has been five years since completing my graduate degree and in that time, I've worked part time, had a second child and temporarily lost my job when there were budget cuts. And here I am today with 5 hours left . . . . unless all my clients decide that the sunshine is good cause to miss their appointments today, I'll be done early this afternoon. I need to pinch myself!

This has been a central focus of my attention for a few weeks now as I've steadily watched the number of hours still left to document dwindle but that's not to say there haven't been exciting prospects and projects on the horizon.

1. A friend has gifted me an unused copy of photoshop and I can't wait to dig into the tutorials on so that I can begin learning how to use this amazing software.

2. I want to redesign my website. Feels as if I've outgrown this particular layout but I'm not sure where to begin in creating a new one. Ideas, anyone?

3. Training for a triathlon this summer. It's been 3 years since my last one . . . I'm older, slower and a wee bit more distracted! But boy does it feel good to be running, biking and swimming. And I get to share it with a good friend.

4. And this summer, hubby and I intend to learn how to windsurf. I even have a gift certificate for lessons!! I can hardly wait . . . we'll camp on the river, sit in the sun, play with the kids in the water and hopefully, experience some soft of success with getting up on the board ;)

What plans and excitement have you got hovering on the horizon? Please share!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a traithlon? wow. i would love to do one someday.