Sunday, August 2, 2009


It's early Sunday morning and we're going full swing at our house. Kids are up, we're up and the coffee is on. I'd like to spend the day clicking and editing and generally feeling all artsie-fartsie but alas, other responsibilities have come up. We're heading to the country for a pre-wedding reception for a 2nd cousin of hubby's. But it's a farm! Potential for fantastic photos and we'll hit a fountain on the way home. It'll be good. I'll breath and it'll be good:) 

In other news, I'm beginning to feel a little frustrated with my limited knowledge and experience when it comes to photography. Granted, I've only been clicking since January and I suppose I should have patience with myself . . . I'm not sure now what the next step should be. Do I think about a different lens? (been solely using my 55-200) Another class? Just more time behind the viewfinder? I'd like to get closer to my subjects when doing macro -- maybe I need to start there. I'm so very open to suggestions or thoughts on your own growth as a amateur (or otherwise) photographer. 

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