Friday, July 31, 2009

Lurking in the Flowers

There are good reasons I sent my husband ahead of me with a broom, brushing away spider webs, before I'd take pictures of my beautiful sunflowers this morning. And here the evil, lurking thing is . . . I swear I saw the bee buzzing as I snapped picture of neighboring flowers and when next I looked, it was deathly still. Upon looking closer, I saw this eery white spider. We'd met before, this spider and I. The last time I took pictures of the sunflowers. That time I  was sure he was going to attack my camera lens (as you may remember in previous post!). Oh, he's ugly!
The heat has broken here in Portland. Thank god! We finally joined the long lines of desperately hot and irritable people buying air condition units on Wed. Well, hubby did as I was steaming in clients' homes doing "therapy" -- what kind of therapy occurs when your brains are bubbling with heat? I'll tell you. Not much kind of therapy. However, there's a kind of bonding that occurs in mutual misery -- those that sweat together, stay together? When I came home, I found the family nearly worshipping the AC unit. I should have taken a picture of the two kids kneeling at the foot of the black, cool-air breathing machine. Priceless! 
Today the kids and I have all sorts of plans for enjoying the break in the weather, beginning with a morning trip to the park to ride bikes and take pictures. Then, perhaps a movie so mom can finish her notes and complete evals for the class she is teaching. After that? Water play!! Still need to gather more photos of our fountain trips to submit for a blog entry for ShutterSisters. I'm having serious performance anxiety. I thought perhaps I would write back and say that the city of Portland shut the water off to all the fountains. Or perhaps the dog at my camera? 


Anonymous said...

gorgeous blooms!

robin laws said...

bad dog! hey! you don't own a dog... good thing you didn't let that performance anxiety get in your way :) i have also met this crazy white guy and i think he does try to threaten me whenever i get too close. he tends to live on the same flower for as long as it is standing. eerie is a good word to describe this ghostly creature. it ate the bee!! wow that is scary. i love the whorl on that one sunflower center! captured sharp and perfect!