Sunday, November 15, 2009

Morning Frost

We woke to frost yesterday morning. My first honest-to-god thought was that I should bundle up and go on a walk with my camera. What has happened to me?! My second thought and the one that temporarily won out was that a cup of coffee and a little computer time sounded cozy . . . and then I wandered in the backyard, dragging the hem of my pajama bottoms in the damp grass, snapping a few pictures. The first is of the bowed head of one of the sunflowers. Not much to look at now except for the beautiful crown of crystalized frost. 
This leaf was suspended by the remains of the spectacular web I photographed several days ago. I did check to ensure the resident spider was not home before leaning into the maple tree to take the picture! 
We have our canoe tucked up against the side fence in the backyard -- along with a couple of stunning maple trees. I love the contrast in colors. 
It's hard to believe that we are closing in on Thanksgiving. In fact, as I type this, my son is asking how many more weeks we have until Christmas! Yikes. I'm feeling very proud of my endeavors in the craft department and am nearly done with the photo gifts . . . except for a rather large project hubby and I are taking on for his family. We are taking boxes of old family slides and putting them on CD's, etc. It'll be great when (if?) it gets done! I'm pondering other home-made gifts for the kidlets in my life. More to come on that -- perhaps. I may sell out and join the masses for Black Friday. It'd be the first time ever. Any survival advice?
And then, there's the table and chairs we are still in the midst of refinishing. Today's goal is to finish the sanding and then consult about what our staining choices are. I had really hoped that we'd have it done for Thanksgiving but that is beginning to seem unrealistic. Certainly doesn't help that I'm typing away rather than making my way to the garage, sandpaper in hand. 

1 comment:

georgia b. said...

those last two canoe shots are gorgeous! the color of that canoe with those leaves is perfectly perfect.